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Macular Degeneration Care

Eye Health Consultants' innovative M-SHARP program offers advanced, holistic approaches to prevent and treat Macular Degeneration in The Woodlands, Texas


Integrating Bioenergetics, Epigenetics & Clinical Nutrition

The retina contains two types of receptors. Rods are designed to assist in locating moving objects and vision in low-light conditions. Cones are designed to detect color and fine detail. Thus it is our cones that allow us to read and see colors.

The cones are concentrated in the center of the retina where the light focuses. This is called the macula. The macula is the most sensitive part of the retina that allows the human eye to see images sharp.


When the cones in the macula are unable to regenerate properly, a gradual loss of vision occurs. In essence, the macula is the small, central portion of the retina that concentrates 90% of the vision in terms of fine detail.

​​​​​​​If the macula gets sick, we lose our ability to see the detail of things, see faces, read a book, perceive colors, etc. This is called macular degeneration.

Macular degeneration used to affect mostly older individuals, so it was called “age-related macular degeneration”. Recently, the age for the disease has come to involve younger and younger people. The early signs of macular degeneration consist of scar-like lesions called “drusen”. These look like small yellow protrusions at the level of the outer retina called retinal pigment epithelium, RPE for short. The more cones degenerate, the more drusen form. This type is called “dry” macular degeneration. Eventually, new blood vessels start to proliferate into the damaged area. These vessels are very frail and tend to bleed into the macular area, damaging vision severely. This form is called “wet” macular degeneration.


Non-Surgical Corneal Molding is based on the art and science of Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) which was started back in the 1970s as an alternative to reshape the eye corneal curvature without surgical tissue removal.


Age-related macular degeneration is a problem with your retina. It happens when a part of the retina called the macula is damaged.

With Age-related macular degeneration, you lose your central vision. You cannot see fine details, whether you are looking at something close or far.

But your peripheral (side) vision will still be normal. For instance, imagine you are looking at a clock with your hands. With Age-related macular degeneration, you might see the clock’s numbers but not the hands.


AREDS-2: These synthetic drugs are administered via intravitreal injection into the eye. Macugen® and Avastin® are the two most commonly used. Since the vessels almost always grow back, the intravitreal injections have to be repeated regularly in order to prevent further damage. Moreover, by the time macular degeneration turns into a 'wet' form, the patient's vision is usually severely affected.

Recent studies such as AREDS2 looked at whether anti-oxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fats are useful in treating macular degeneration. The findings from this study suggested a relative improvement in these nutrient's ability to slow down the progression of the disease, but the vision improvement from the suggested nutritional formula appeared to be very very limited.


A different paradigm has been proposed by Jerry Tennant M.D., Edward Kondrot M.D., and other progressive physicians for the effective treatment of macular degeneration. The basis of this paradigm is described below, quoting Dr. Jerry Tennant's teachings from his book "Healing is Voltage, Healing Eye Disease".

'The retina is composed of three basic layers, photoreceptors (rods and cones), the Bipolar layer (which connects photoreceptors to the ganglion layer), and the ganglion cell layer (part of the optic nerve).

Light passes through the transparent retina and strikes the opaque pigment epithelium.

As it passes through the photoreceptors, a light that is in phase with any given receptor is recognized by that receptor because the receptor is an antenna tuned to that frequency by its resonating circuitry.


The energy of the light that resonates in photoreceptors is stored until it reaches critical storage capacity. It is then discharged. The electrons then pass into the bipolar cell which controls the flow of electrons according to their design and creates an image. These images in digital format are passed to the brain via the ganglion cell layer/optic nerve fibers.'

The critical issue in this electronic circuit is operating voltage. Just as your radio won’t function without a power source, neither will your retina. In the body, electrons are most efficiently transferred from place to place by “fibrous wires” more commonly known as fascia and glial cells. In the retina, the voltage is transmitted across the retina by glial cells known as Muller cells. These transmit electrons to all layers of the retina.

“Muller (radial glial) cells span the entire thickness of the retina, and contact every type of neuronal cell body and process".


It is important to understand that virtually every disease of the retina is associated with reactive Muller cell gliosis or scarring. Damage to these cells via free radicals (electron stealers) oxidizes (damage) fatty acids in your retina, thus compromising the retinal cell membranes.

Based on this paradigm, all chronic disease is associated with a loss of voltage. Loss of the Muller cells that carry the voltage to the entire retina would imply that the retina would lose voltage and thus its ability to function normally. Therefore, it is the loss of voltage that causes a ravage to the retinal structures.

It is then suggested that 'restoration of degeneration of the retina must certainly require restoration of the voltage to the retina so it can, like other electronic circuits, restore its function.' In general terms, body cells run at -20 to -25 millivolts (pH of 7.35 to 7.45), and every time a cell has to replicate, it needs to go up to -50 millivolts to make new cells.


Our M-SHARPTM program involves the use of 3 different bio-energetic technology devices, including Tennant Bio-Transducer, PEMF (pulse electro-magnetic field therapy), and NES Health. These technologies deliver specific bio-frequencies or informational signatures deep into the retinal tissue that attempts to restore the energetic balance to the retina and supports macular health by aiding the cell regenerative process.

M-SHARPTM also takes into consideration the fact that the retina (as the brain) is made from fat. In fact, the brain is 50% cholesterol by weight. In order to make new cells, essential fatty acids (EFAs) are of paramount importance. Patients on the M-SHARPTM program are initiated into a special formulation of organic plant-based essential fatty acids.


Infected teeth have been reported to cause serious health problems including eye disease.

The M-SHARPTM program also takes this matter into consideration. Infected teeth (and many root canals and crowns are) put out poisons called thioethers and gliotoxin.

These are extremely toxic substances that may be fire-feeding macular degeneration and other retinal conditions. Our doctors may recommend a dental evaluation by a biological dentist, should root canals and/or crowns be reported by the patient.


The health of the retina depends on an adequate supply of nutrients and blood flow must be sufficient for nutrients to reach the body organs and tissues.

Nitric oxide controls blood vessel dilation and it also dilates bronchioles and the lymphatic system.

lM-SHARPTM protocol takes this into consideration so the patient is tested for nitric oxide (NO) levels and appropriate nutritional suggestions are made should NO levels are found to be deficient.


Lastly, cells need good raw materials (nutrients) to replicate and make healthy new cells.

The M-SHARPTM protocol includes the administration of organic, natural, fulvic-based nutraceuticals to aid in the process of making healthy new cells by the retinal tissue.

If you or a family member suffers from a retinal condition, call us to schedule a consultation so our doctors may determine if M-SHARPTM may be of benefit.


Macular Degeneration affects millions of people. Until recently, there was very little hope for many of these individuals.

Eye Health Consultants is leading the charge with a new, innovative, safe, and natural macular health support program.

Macular Degeneration is a disorder worth preventing. It is a chronic and heretofore considered a progressive disease leading to irreversible vision loss.


There has been a multitude of supplements on the market. The problem is that, once the vision loss has occurred, the supplements alone fail to improve vision to any significant extent.

Dr. Arroyo has developed a very unique protocol called M-SHARP (Macular Support Holistic Alternative Retina Program). This innovative treatment protocol involves the use of a patented bio-energetic device, epigenetics, and a highly customized nutraceutical program. It is very safe and most patients report a significant improvement within the first few weeks of treatment.


Robert, a 78-year-old male from a little town in South Texas, was diagnosed with incurable macular degeneration. His vision has been declining for two years to the point where he could not do his daily routines.

​​​​​​​After visiting two retinal specialists that offered little hope he visited our office in The Woodlands area. It was recommended that he implement an innovative, non-invasive, natural protocol that supports macular health.


This protocol is based on frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) and a personalized nutraceutical program.

​​​​​​​After just one week of treating Robert's eyes with an imperceptible microcurrent, he was able to read 4 additional lines on the eye chart. “I was thrilled,” he reports.


His vision improved from 20/70 to 20/25 in his right eye and from 20/400 to 20/80 in his left eye. This nice man can go about his daily routine again without the devastating vision challenges.

If you or your loved one has vision challenges as a result of macular degeneration or diabetic eye disease, call us at (281) 882-3039 to learn more about a new, non-invasive innovative Therapy protocol to support the health of your macula and the overall retina without surgery.


M-SHARP is NOT a treatment for macular degeneration, as only the FDA is legally able to make such claims. The purpose of this article is to inform the reader about what natural elements the retina uses to stay healthy. We do NOT make any claims as to whether M-SHARPTM is a treatment for any retinal disease; instead, we suggest that proper nutrition, epigenetic science, and bioenergetic information may support retinal health for the benefit of those suffering from retinal degenerative conditions such as macular degeneration, as a complement to any other conventional treatments being attempted.
